Public Records
Budget Information
Certified Staff Evaluation
Certified Staff Evaluation Plan (updated 09-2024)
COVID Guidance
Click here to review South Harrison's guidelines for addressing the impact of COVID-19 (updated August 2024).
School Summaries from Indiana GPS
Administrator Contracts
Teacher Master Contract
Teachers at South Harrison currently have a two-year contract running from 2023-2025. [View 2023-2025 Teacher Contract]
Click here to view the 2023-2024 Teacher Compensation Report from the Indiana Department of Education.
Title I
Title 1 announcement to apply for the Title I Ed-Flex Waiver for the 2023-2024 school year. [View Announcement]
Title IX
South Harrison has appointed Carolyn Wallace, Robert Briscoe, and Allison Schalk as its Title IX Coordinators.
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
The South Harrison district liaison is Jill Timberlake (812-738-2168).
The IDOE state coordinators’ contact information are Flora Jones, Director of Student Pathways & Opportunities and Charie Gibson, Homeless Education Specialist (317-232-0957;
Naturalization Examination Information
Corydon Central High School (added December 2023)
Corydon Central High School (added May 2024)
South Central Jr-Sr High School (updated December 2023)