a girl student and father

At South Harrison Community School Corporation, we are committed to preparing our students for successful futures from an early age. A significant initiative we've implemented is the PRIDE Work Ethic Certificate program, designed to instill essential soft skills in students and make them ready for the workforce. PRIDE stands for Persistence, Respectfulness, Initiative, Dependability, and Efficiency.

What is the PRIDE Work Ethic Certificate?

The PRIDE Work Ethic Certificate is a recognition awarded to high school seniors who demonstrate these vital characteristics consistently. To earn this certificate, students must meet several requirements:

  • Persistence: Regular attendance and punctuality, showing determination in their studies.

  • Respectfulness: Demonstrating respect towards peers, teachers, and school property.

  • Initiative: Participating in extracurricular activities and taking leadership roles.

  • Dependability: Consistently meeting deadlines and fulfilling responsibilities.

  • Efficiency: Completing tasks with attention to detail and accuracy.

By fulfilling these criteria, students not only earn a prestigious certificate but also develop skills highly valued by employers.

Incorporating PRIDE at the Elementary and Junior High Levels

We understand the importance of building these skills early on. Here’s how we incorporate the principles of PRIDE in age-appropriate ways:

  • Persistence: Encouraging younger students to set small, achievable goals and celebrate their progress. Teachers emphasize the importance of trying again even after setbacks, fostering a growth mindset.

  • Respectfulness: Implementing classroom rules that promote respect for everyone’s ideas and property. Activities and discussions around empathy and kindness help students understand and practice respect.

  • Initiative: Providing opportunities for students to take on classroom responsibilities, such as being a line leader or helping with classroom tasks. These roles teach them to take initiative and be proactive.

  • Dependability: Assigning regular tasks and duties to students, such as returning library books on time or being responsible for their own homework. This helps build a sense of reliability and responsibility.

  • Efficiency: Incorporating activities that require planning and time management, like project-based learning and group work, helps students learn to work efficiently.

Preparing for the Future

As students progress through SHCSC, these foundational skills are continuously reinforced and built upon. By the time they reach high school, they are well-prepared to meet the PRIDE Work Ethic Certificate requirements and ready to excel in their future careers.

We are proud of our students and their dedication to building a strong work ethic. By instilling these values early on, we are ensuring a brighter future for our community and beyond.

Read more about the PRIDE Work Ethic Certificate and how it benefits our students and community here.