On Monday, November 14, 2022 the Heth Washington Spell Bowl Team captured a second place award at the Spell Bowl Competition in Salem! The team comprised of 4th, 5th, and 6th grade HWES students and led by 6th grade teacher, Ms. Carrillo, have put in many hours practicing for this lone competition of the 22-23 school year. Coach Carrillo spoke highly of her teams' dedication and hard work during practices that occurred, before school, student led at lunch, and on the part of her team members while at home individually. Coach Carrillo went on to say how proud she was of her teams' character and good sportsmanship as they applauded and cheered on the seven other teams they were competing against. Great job Wildcats on bringing home a well deserved award!
HWES Captures 2nd place at Salem Spell Bowl!
November 17, 2022