picture of a cell phone with the South Harrison app launched on the screen and the words "Update the South Harrison App to Stay Up-To-Date"

We hope that those of you who have already added the South Harrison App to your mobile device are seeing the benefits of a more streamlined communication between our schools and our communities. 

We wanted to send out a bit of information that will help all users ensure that they have access to all the information posted to the app.  This would include accessing the Feed, seeing events posted in the calendar, and most importantly receiving important and time-sensitive information via push notifications.

From time to time, all apps are updated to address issues and improve performance.  The South Harrison app is no different.  Thus, it is recommended that all users either turn on the auto-update feature on their mobile devices or get in a habit of checking for app updates on a regular basis.  If you are not sure how to turn on auto-updates, please watch the video below based on the type of mobile device you have.

Automatically Update Apps on...



If you have not downloaded the South Harrison App to your mobile device, please visit you device's app store and search for "South Harrison CSC".  If you have further questions about the South Harrison App, please contact Mark Carl, e-Learning Coach for South Harrison Community School Corporation.