Compared to urban schools, rural communities have not always had the opportunity to prepare students for college-level courses until the Indiana College Core program was initiated at South Harrison Community School Corporation seven years ago. Formally called the Statewide Transfer General Education core, the ICC provides high schoolers an avenue to earn college credit through dual enrollment with Ivy Tech Community College. The purpose of the core program is for students to choose courses, in-person or online- that best prepare them for their postsecondary goals or allow them to “get ahead” in college by taking required core classes such as math, English, speech, etc. as high school students.
The number of schools throughout Indiana offering the College Core program is small. Currently, the program is available at one in every five high schools, which includes South Harrison Community School Corporation. Here at South Harrison, the Board and administration team are committed to preparing students the best they can for college and are excited to offer the ICC program for three reasons.
01. Gain exposure to college expectations
Like South Harrison’s pathway programs, the College Core program helps narrow down students’ career interests. Some students set out to be a pharmacist or doctors; however, when they take the required chemistry, physics, and anatomy dual credit classes, they may realize that the field is not the best fit.
For some, dual credit classes are the first-time students experience courses with higher rigor and find them extremely challenging. If not for the dual credit courses offered at South Harrison, they may spend their first semester struggling at college, questioning if moving away was the best decision or finding it difficult to acclimate to the college environment. Through the College Core, students are completing college-level work in a familiar setting.
02. Students save money
College is an investment in yourself and your future. The financial cost is one that should not be taken lightly and the College Core partnership allows students the chance to earn a year of college experience at a fraction of the cost. Families can save nearly $10,000 toward a year of in-state college tuition on top of the additional savings that come from shaving off a year of campus housing.
03. An opportunity for success
Did you know, 94 percent of high school students who earn the College Core go on to attend college? Additionally, 70 percent of these students met benchmarks their respective college set to predict student success and continued onto their second year of college. Yes, college is not the answer for every student, but South Harrison is focused on providing programs that will help all students succeed, and the ICC is one way to do just that.
This year there are 23 seniors at Corydon Central High School who earned the College Core and 1 senior at South Central Jr./Sr. High School. These Ivy Tech courses and other dual credit opportunities are available through funding from the Harrison County Community Foundation and the Harrison County Council. All seniors are being recognized at their graduation ceremonies this Sunday.