Just as a reminder, due to the buses running at maximum capacity, students will not be permitted to ride any other bus other than their assigned bus. If you have any questions, please call the school. Thank you.
Order your 2022-2023 Yearbook! Yearbook envelopes have been sent home and need to be returned to Mrs. Porter by January 25. You may also order online at yearbookforever.com
Jr High Wrestlers won their home opener against Silver Creek 90-36. Those picking up wins: Grady Naiman and Gavin McNulty. Great job wrestlers!
There is a home Jr. High wrestling match tonight at 6 PM.
The boys’ basketball team has a home game tonight against Silver Creek. Good Luck boys!
Jr High wrestling practice is 4:30-6 PM today.
Monday, January 16th, was scheduled as a make-up day. Since we have not had any canceled school days, school will not be in session on that day.
Friday, Jan. 13 is our 100th Day of School. Wear 100 items or DRESS like you are 100 years old, and EARN a HOUSE POINT!
Envelopes will be coming home soon, or you can pre-order your yearbook today! Orders are due by January 25 to guarantee your yearbook. We are also selling Glad Ads this year. Visit yearbookforever.com and enter our school name.
Boys 5th/6th grade basketball games tonight @ Lanesville. Start time is 6pm.
Lanesville will have full concessions available including chic fila sandwiches!!
Due to a shortage of drivers, we are combining the following afternoon bus routes: route #45 and route #4. As a result, those routes could experience a 15-20 minute delay in the usual student drop-off time. At this time only today.
Friday, Jan. 13 is our 100th Day of School. Wear 100 items or DRESS like you are 100 years old, and EARN a HOUSE POINT!
Volleyball forms are due January 13th. Please turn them in to the office
The Lost and Found is full. If your student lost something, please them check for it in the Cafeteria. Small items like jewelry or glasses are in the office.
The 5th and 6th-grade girls' basketball players are invited to the high school girls' basketball game tonight. Please arrive at 6:00 for pizza. You will be announced at halftime of the Varsity game.
Quarter 2 report cards are now available in your Harmony Family Access account. Please login to view your child's report card. If you do not know your username, please contact the school office.
Jan. 4: Boys’ Basketball Home Game vrs. Charleston 6 PM. Students must be picked up by 8PM
Tonight is CIS Dough Night at Corydon Papa John's. Pick up some Papa John's and support our PTO at the same time.
Congrats to both basketball teams on their wins against Heth Washington last night!
Good luck to our boys’ basketball teams against Heth Washington tonight. The game is at Heth Washington and will begin at 6:00 p.m.